reaches another milestone

Steve Emms writes “, together with the help of the Linux community, has reached another milestone today. We now list 30,000 entries specifically of interest to Linux users. The 17,000+ links to Linux software alone is testament to the popularity of the operating system.

Of course, the Linux community has played an important role in achieving this milestone with many thousands of these entries having been contributed by aficionados of this popular operating system. Thanks for your support!

Background to

LinuxLinks initially began as a private home page. Back in 1994 Linux was beginning to take off and our bookmarks had become increasingly disorganised. Over time, demand increased from other users to list the Linux sites on a more formal basis. LinuxLinks was then created.

As the internet grew we saw the need to register a domain name, to make it easy for people to find the latest Linux links. Our goal is to make it simple for all types of Linux users, whether they be a complete beginner or a UNIX wizard, to find the most useful Linux sites on the internet in the least amount of time. is more than just the most comprehensive set of Linux Links! With our unique “MyLinks” software we offer you a great way to follow the latest developments in the Linux world. Sit back and receive (at most) a daily email pointing you to the changes in the Linux world that matter to you! With our Linux forums you also have access to Linux experts who will endeavor to solve your questions!

No portal site is complete without a rolling news service. We cover all of the leading Linux news stories, articles, and press releases.”
