Live Burnout Videocast

Article Source jonobacon@home
June 9, 2009, 10:10 pm

Recently I have been pointing my beady eye at the topic of burnout. My interest was originally sparked while researching content for The Art of Community, but I have also had something of a personal interest in it as I myself burned out a few years back. It sucked, and I felt compelled to confront the topic in the book as it is a very real issue in every community, particularly technical ones.

While reading up on the subject I was looking for some concrete methods of identifying the symptoms of burnout and found a fascinating piece of research called The Burnout Cycle with it’s twelve stages. Not only did I feature this in the book, but I also prepared a presentation for Allhands and the Ubuntu Developer Summit. The presentation really resonated with folks and I heard countless stories of how people had burned out in different ways.

Well, recently I have been doing a live videocast called At Home With Jono Bacon on and I thought it could be useful to repeat the presentation, which would then obviously be recorded.

So, tomorrow (Wed 10th June) at 6pm UTC / 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern I will be doing the presentation and also have a Q+A. You can watch it live here. I really hope it helps.