LMDE 201101 32-Bit Re-Spin


As re-spin of the LMDE 201012 32-bit ISO was made available under the name “201101″.

The new ISO comes with an up-to-date live kernel which addresses the following issues:

  • “Black screen of death”, live session hanging with a black screen.
  • Installer hanging while configuring Grub.

Explanation of the problem:

A liveCD contains two systems: One that is decompressed, copied during the installation and eventually used post-install, and another one (smaller and with minimal functionality) which is used to boot the liveCD itself, decompress the filesystem and get an operational live session running on top of it. As such, the liveCD comes with two kernels, one of which is used for the live session and the other which is actually installed on your system. In theory, these two kernels should be identical to avoid mismatches since the live session uses the live kernel but relies on the kernel files present in the compressed system. In practice this was never an issue (until now) for the following reasons:

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