Loads of Linux Links (LoLL) Version 1.0.1 release

Barbara Irwin writes: Version 1.0.1 of the Loads of Linux Links project has been released. Below is the project summary, with relevant links.

WHAT: GPLed Database and software to generate a website with 3000+ subject -classified and searchable Linux links for all levels of Linux users.

WHERE: Loads of Linux Links (LoLL) home page (http://loll.sourceforge.net);
project page (http://sourceforge.net/projects/loll); file release area
(http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?grou p_id=42381); CVS
repository (http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=42381), mailing list
(http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/loll- general), and the
generated website (http://loll.sourceforge.net/linux/links) which is the
place to do your Linux searching!

WHY: Provides convenient access to information needed by all levels of Linux

HOW: LoLL GPLed software and data (scripts, configuration files, and a bookmark file that contains the basic link
information), are used in combination with bk2site
(http://bk2site.sourceforge.net) to generate the Loads of Linux Links
website (http://loll.sourceforge.net/linux/links).

WHO: Andrew Willard (willychilly@users.sourceforge.net) and Barbara E. Irwin