Loki goes loco for Postal


Author: JT Smith

Proving again that good taste is no substitute for good
gameplay, outrageous developer Running With Scissors dropped a
not-so-dainty-sized turd into Martha Stewart’s videogame punchbowl by
announcing they will join forces with Loki Software to bring the
long-awaited Linux version of POSTAL PLUS(TM) to Windows-weary
gameplayers, everywhere.

“There’s something just plain sick and wrong about Linux users,” said
Vince Desi, Running With Scissors’ tetanus-tempered edge. “That’s
why we’re so excited to be able to bring these gaming misfits a Linux
version of POSTAL PLUS – They’re our kind of people!”

“Why did we do it?” said Scott Draeker, President of Loki Software,
Inc. “Two words: First Amendment. Besides, it’s nice to play
something with all the gore of Quake but none of the nausea. Loki,
the Norse god of mischief and our namesake, would definitely have

Having hurdled both legislative and litigious obstacles since first
inviting gamers to go POSTAL(TM) back in 1997, Desi has good reason
to brag on the hard-won success of the POSTAL franchise.

Running With Scissors holds a string of international licensing
agreements that have made POSTAL a part of the game culture of such
economic giants as Japan, Korea and Canada. Desi is equally
confident that the Linux version of the ever-popular game will only
increase its presence in the world marketplace.

“Industry insiders call it ‘having achieved cult status’,” laughed
Desi. “We like to call it ‘business as usual.’ No matter what you
call it, though, there’s simply no denying the power of POSTAL – It’s
sort of like the ‘power of cheese’ but with a lot more blood and

Running With Scissors develops outrageous entertainment software just
for the hell of it. Contact Vince Desi at: 520 577 0321, or e-mail
Vince at: vince@gopostal.com or visit us at: http://www.gopostal.com.

Loki Software, Inc. works with rockin’ publishers and developers to
port their best-selling PC products to Linux. Visit
http://www.lokigames.com for the full deal.

POSTAL, POSTAL: Special Delivery, POSTAL PLUS and Running With
Scissors are Trademarks and Service Marks of RWS, Inc.

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All company and
product names are the trademarks, registrations, or copyrights of
their respective owners.