MadWifi Release 0.9.3

rmadwifi_org writes “Hi all.

Release 0.9.3 is now available for download. at sourceforge

MadWifi now compiles against the latest 2.6 kernel versions (up to 2.6.20), and it does not break anymore when you decide to turn off support for some of the advanced features, such as Fast Framing or Turbo Mode.

Although this release comes with a new HAL version, it does not support AR5008 (802.11n aka “XSpan”) chipsets.

The new HAL, v0.9.18.0, fixes support for some of the AR5006 PCI Express chipset variants and provides some performance and resource optimizations.This is not the latest HAL release available at this time; however, the latest HAL version requires some adjustments in the driver code, which would have delayed this release even more. The most current HAL will be made available in the next release along with a bunch of other improvements and changes.”
