Making storage choices on Linux

More and more enterprises are using Linux–even for mission-critical tasks. Agendra Kumar says that it’s time enterprises
considered Linux on the storage front too, and has some pointers for CIOs when it comes to picking up a storage solution on Linux

Linux has been making consistent inroads into the enterprise space over the past couple of years. According to IDC, servers based on the open source
software have shown six consecutive quarters of growth. Availability of more and more applications and enhanced enterprise-computing capabilities are
making Linux the platform of choice for an increasing number of companies of all sizes–and not just geeks and nerds who used to be the primary users
of Linux until recently. Constrained by RoI-oriented budgets, most CIOs now take Linux into consideration in their IT strategies.

In this scenario it is but obvious for user organisations to look at Linux for their storage systems as well. Recently, Forrester Research surveyed 50
large Linux users and 28 vendors selling or supporting Linux solutions and inferred that Linux will take over most UNIX workloads in the data centre
over the next five years.



  • Linux