Mandrake AMD Athlon 64 – Building ‘Nefarious’ III

J.P. Pasnak writes “As I stated in the previous article, this section will cover the customization and benchmarking of Mandrake Linux 9.2 AMD 64. I’ll be covering the NVidia AMD 64 driver installation, configuring DVI, testing the DVD burner, some system tweeks and some benchmarks (hdparm, oggenc and kernel recompile). I’ve had to recompile some apps from Mandrake and PLF, so I’ll provide whatever insight I can as to how I got them to work. The biggest thing I have noticed with building Nefarious is that as a rule of thumb the only time something didn’t work exactly the same as it did on x86, or something didn’t work at all, it was closed source.

Read the final part here
