McObjects eXtremeDB High Availability, Web Services Power New Linux-based Wireless Network Infrastru

Ted Kenney writes “Prime Creation Technology Ltd., a Hong Kong-based provider of mobile communications infrastructure, will use Linux and the eXtremeDB(tm) in-memory embedded database from McObject(R) for real-time call routing in new Web Services-based technology for mobile network operators and wireless application service providers.

The application takes advantage of eXtremeDBs High Availability Application Framework to deliver the five nines (99.999% up-time) reliability required for telecommunications infrastructure. In the system, eXtremeDB provides a real-time Linux-based cache for an Oracle database of customer and routing information. Prime Creations innovative architecture relies on Web Services and HTTP/SOAP to synchronize eXtremeDB with the systems Oracle back end.

Performance along with reliability and cost-effectiveness drove the choice of Linux, according to Michael Tso, director of technology development at Prime Creation. The company expects high call traffic volume for the application, and Intels Xeon CPU with Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server 2.1 is more economical for the caching application than alternative platforms, he said.

In-memory caching provides the near-zero latency responsiveness we could never obtain running queries directly against the disk-based Oracle database, Tso said. Deploying eXtremeDB as the cache gives us the best of both worlds: real-time in-memory performance, along with the reliability and data integrity of McObjects proven database management system.

Prime Creation chose eXtremeDB over competing real-time databases largely due to eXtremeDBs High Availability (HA) extension, Tso said. eXtremeDB HA enables deployment of multiple fully synchronized eXtremeDB databases within the same hardware device or across multiple, widely distributed systems. A time-cognizant, two-phase commit protocol facilitates instantaneous fail-over, with zero replication-induced latency, in the event of hardware or software failure.

Process control applications, telecom and networking gear, and other systems with demanding fault tolerance requirements comprise a fast-growing segment of embedded software developed on Linux. These often mission-critical applications are managing greater volumes of more complex datacreating a need for fast, lightweight databases that can meet their reliability demands.

McObjects eXtremeDB in-memory database system (IMDS) boosts performance by eliminating disk I/O. Moreover, eXtremeDB is designed from scratch to eliminate caching, data transfer and duplication, unneeded recovery functions and other overhead that is hard-wired into traditional disk-based databases. These architectural advantages enable in-memory databases to significantly outperform traditional databases, even when disk-based systems are deployed in RAM (for details see McObjects white paper, Main Memory vs. RAM-Disk Databases: A Linux-based Benchmark, available from

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