MeeGo Community Metrics for May


May was an exciting month for the MeeGo project and the biggest month ever for the MeeGo community! As of the end of May, we had 7993 members on (up from 6397 in April), 3775 subscribers to the meego-dev mailing list (up from 3310 in April) and there were over 3600 posts across the mailing lists and forums (up from almost 2000 in April).
We had a tremendous response to the MeeGo 1.0 release on May 25, which resulted in a large increase in community activity along with a flurry of interest during the last week of the month. Some of this activity was related to people downloading MeeGo 1.0 and testing it on their netbooks, but quite a bit of interest came from popular bloggers and press who covered the release. The YouTube Video from Liliputin that was embedded by Engadget currently has 67,000+ views, and we saw quite a bit of traffic from, Engadget, heise online, OSNews, and Phoronix.

If you want to learn more, you can download the 17 page PDF with all of the detailed metrics for May, and you can visit the metrics page on the wiki to get previous versions of our metrics or to find out how to contribute to the MeeGo metrics project.

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