Metadot announces 4.0 and developer portal


Author: JT Smith

Metadot writes “Metadot today announces the latest release of its flagship product,
Metadot Portal Server. The most dynamic release to date, version 4.0
incorporates numerous changes to the core system elevating it higher
in the field of communication and collaboration portals. A few of the new
features include:
– Full Windows Support
– GizmoBuilder interface for developing new Gizmos
– Integrated templating system for creating a dynamic interface
– Email to Discussion; post and reply to discussion forums via email
– Recursive Permission Changes
– Several new Gizmos and improved GizmoTools

Metadot also announces the Developer Portal powered
by version 4.0. This new web site is dedicated to Metadot developers
and offers all the resources necessary to become a world-class Metadot

to download version 4.0 and to join the Metadot developer community.”