Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting February 12 2002


Author: JT Smith

“Invite KDE, OpenOffice and printing community representatives for GUADEC3l…”

Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting February 12 2002


    Havoc Pennington (chair)
    Telsa Gwynne
    George Lebl
    Federico Mena
    Daniel Veillard  (minutes) (:10)
    Tim Ney 
    Jonathan Blandford
    Jody Goldberg 
    James Henstridge
    Miguel de Icaza (:30)
    Leslie Proctor (:30)

    Nat Friedman

    Jim Gettys (flummoxed by thinking the half hour time change was the
                other way)

   - Invite KDE, OpenOffice and printing community representatives for GUADEC3
   - Confirm the Advisory Board meeting the day before GUADEC April 3 Seville

Actions done:

  ACTION: Miguel to anmounce Guadec3 to the Gnome community.
     => Done

  ACTION: Jody collect a list of communities we should contact to
          get them at GUADEC3
     => Done


  ACTION: Tim, John and Havoc to get a draft statement on the relation
          with the free software foundation and license policy.
     => Tim and Havoc have started, pending

  ACTION: Jim to restart the font discussions with various parties
     => meeting scheduled this week with some of the font, in progress

  ACTION: Nat and Jonathan talk to gnome-sysadmin about adding ssh
          tunneling for GNOME CVS access
     => A description has been sent, waiting for a reply, other work
        need to be done, postponed after Gnome-2

  ACTION: Nat to talk to Havoc to get a discussion about rules
          w.r.t. backward compatibility rules in the 2.x time.
     => pending

New Actions:

  ACTION: Tim and Miguel check for logistic and policy of funding
          people travels and accomodations.

  ACTION: Havoc draft the agenda of the Advisory Board meeting

  ACTION: Jody and Leslie to find possble presentators from KDE,
          StarOffice and CUPS.


 - approve last meeting minutes:

   We need answers on at least 2 item urgently:
     - what is the status of the paper selection process
     - can we get registration started with a check_button indicating
       if the person registering need help with travel expenses.
   Both are needed to schedule travels and booking tickets earlier allows
   to get significantly cheaper flights tickets.
   The Advisory Board meeting is confirmed to take place the day before.
   We need an agenda for that day.

   We should have talks from at least OpenOffice, KDE and printing (CUPS).
   We need to identify speakers ASAP to handle travel.

 - Leslie Proctor joined to talk about PR issues:
   When something is potentially "breaking the news", we should
   coordinate before doing the publication.
   Drafting a plan for the release of 2.0
   Deadlines for Ottawa and OReilly conferences are this month
   people are reminded to send proposals in time.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard@redhat.com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/


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