Mirantis to Fuse Kubernetes, CI/CD with Commercial OpenStack


In a move with serious implications for the lowest software layers of data center infrastructure, commercial OpenStack producer Mirantis this morning announced it is partnering with the two most important players in the infrastructure space — Google and Intel — to produce a new version of the OpenStack platform designed to run inside Linux containers (such as Docker), for deployment through Google’s Kubernetes orchestrator platform.

“We are containerizing all of the OpenStack services,” explained Boris Renski, Mirantis’ co-founder and CMO, in an interview with Datacenter Knowledge, “and making it possible to natively run OpenStack on top of Kubernetes — to make it be orchestrated by Kubernetes.” … What Renski is telling us is that Mirantis’ commercial OpenStack is itself will be deployed within containers, whose coordination with one another will be maintained using Kubernetes.

Read more at Data Center Knowledge