Monday’s Security Updates

CentOS has updated pidgin (multiple vulnerabilities).

Fedora has updated pidgin (F11, F12, F13: multiple vulnerabilities), pdfedit (F11, F12, F13: multiple vulnerabilities), moin (F11, F12: multiple “major unspecified” vulnerabilities), and konversation (F11, F12: remote crash). There’s also the beginning of the expected cascade of advisories relating to the recent Firefox update: blam (F11, F12), chmsee (F11), eclipse (F11), epiphany (F11), epiphany-extensions (F11), evolution-rss (F11), firefox (F11, F12), galeon (F11, F12), gnome-python2-extras (F11, F12), gnome-web-photo (F11, F12), google-gadgets (F11), hulahop (F11), kazehakase (F11), Miro (F11), monodevelop (F11), mozvoikko (F11, F12), pcmanx-gtk2 (F11), perl-gtk2-mozembed (F11, F12), ruby-gnome2 (F11), seamonkey (F12), xulrunner (F11, F12), and yelp (F11).

Yes, Fedora appears to have started issuing updates for Fedora 13, which is not due to be released until May.

Mandriva has updated libtheora (possible code execution) and mysql (symbolic link vulnerability).

Ubuntu has updated pidgin (multiple vulnerabilities).

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