Moving towards Mozilla 1.0

“We’re very close to the finish line for 1.0. To help make Mozilla 1.0 our best release ever, will be creating a Mozilla 1.0 Release Candidate 1 (“RC1″) for broader testing and feedback. Depending on the results of this testing we will follow with the final Mozilla 1.0 release or an RC2.”
A few Mozilla 1.0-related steps will take place before Mozilla 1.0 is itself released,which are outlined below in order to avoid any confusion:

— As with all milestones, we will create a branch in the CVS tree to which final changes will be added and Release Candidate 1 readied for release.

— Our goal is to create this branch during the week of April 8. The user agent appearing on this branch will be “Mozilla 1.0 RC1.” The creation of the branch does */not /*mean that 1.0 has been released; it means Release Candidate 1 is being prepared. This user agent does */ not /* identify our 1.0 release, rather it identifies the Release Candidate.

— Once the Mozilla 1.0 RC1 branch has been finalized, we will release it for download, testing and feedback. That means there will be executables available from that contain “mozilla 1.0” as part of the “Mozilla 1.0 RC1” user agent. Again, this does */not /*mean that Mozilla 1.0 has been released, but that the Release Candidate is available.

You can contribute to the quality of the final release by downloading RC1 and sending us your feedback. We look forward to celebrating Mozilla 1.0 shortly!
