Mozilla 1.5 – Not Just for Geeks Anymore

Mozilla’s latest release — and its first, following the Netscape separation — has many new features that should please the general user community,
according to Chris Blizzard, member of the board of directors for the Mozilla Foundation and a senior developer at Mozilla.

An open-source alternative browser project for the developer community, Mozilla clearly was not designed to attract the people that, say, would
gravitate toward AOL (NYSE: AOL) Latest News about AOL Time Warner-[icon-inline-search.gif] . Or, in Mozilla speak, end-users. That is, those of us
with less-than-high tech acumen. “Another way to put it,” Blizzard told NewsFactor, “is ‘would my mother be able to use this?’ Before, the answer was
‘no, not really.'”



  • Open Source