Mozilla Milestone 0.9.2 browser released


Author: JT Smith

From “The Mozilla Organization released the Milestone Mozilla 0.9.2 edition of its Mozilla browser-suite today as it creeps along to the elusive Mozilla 1.0. The Mozilla Milestone 0.9.2 browser-suite is cross-platform and open source. Builds are available for the BSD, Linux, Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, OS/2, Sun, and several UNIX platforms. Source code is available if you want to custom compile your own Mozilla Milestone 0.9.2 build.” Here’s more from an anonymous reader, “Mozilla 0.9.2 has been released. This milestone features improved speed, stability, a couple of minor features, and many hundreds of bug fixes. Check out the full story at Mozillazine and then grab a copy, but don’t forget to read the release notes.”