Mozilla Milestone 0.9.8 browser-suite released


Author: JT Smith

Mozilla 0.9.8 is out! MozillaQuest Magazine has the full story, release notes info, screen shot, & D/L links. MozillaQuest Magazine ( reports: “The Mozilla Organization released the Milestone 0.9.8 edition of its Mozilla browser suite earlier today. [I]t now seems to be less of a RAM pig than what it used to be. There is only one more scheduled milestone release before the scheduled April 2002 Mozilla 1.0 release. Yet there are more than 11,600 targeted-bugs and more than 20,700 open bugs in Mozilla at this time. [R]eleasing a Mozilla 1.0 that is so buggy could be Mozilla’s death knell.” Check this story for the details, download links, and full story!


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