Mozilla milestone 0.9.9 branched


Author: JT Smith

Mozilla 9.9 is on its way. MozillaQuest Magazine ( reports: “The Mozilla developers cut the 0.9.9 milestone branch yesterday — a week behind schedule. Mozilla 0.9.9 is the last planned milestone before the scheduled April 2002 Mozilla 1.0 release…. The good news of course is … there will be a Mozilla 1.0 soon. However, some in the Mozilla community question whether … Mozilla 1.0 should be released in April 2002. Two major concerns are that there are too many open bugs and that Mozilla lacks some essential features.” … “Not including enhancement-request bugs, the Mozilla bug-targeting schema anticipates leaving some 8,600 unfixed, targeted, problem-bugs in Mozilla 1.0 when it is released… Many … Mozilla bugs are in that underlying application programming framework — the Mozilla APIs if you like. That means that any third party developers that build
programs on top of the Mozilla … framework will be building on top of a buggy foundation — not a pretty picture.”
on top of the Mozilla … framework will be building on top of a buggy foundation — not a pretty picture.”


  • Open Source