MySQL Performance from the Start

Article Source Linux Magazine
July 13, 2009, 6:05 am

Back in June of this year, I gave a presentation at the 2009 Velocity conference titled MySQL Performance From Day #1. You can see the presentation slides on-line. But this week I want to drill into a few of the topics I hit on during that brief talk because they really seemed to resonate with some folks and generated some good post-talk discussion.

Over the last nine or ten years of working with MySQL, I’ve seen some of the same problems play out over and over. And I’ve spent a fair amount of time trying to help fix those problems (or tell people how to keep things running). After a while, I started to forget how important it is to get just a few things right, at least in your mind, before you start running into problems. It’s not that people don’t want to Do The Right Thing, simply the case that you often don’t know where the barriers are going to be until you run into them. Sometimes a little visibility helps a lot

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