New structure draft for your approval


Author: JT Smith

– by Robin “Roblimo” Miller
This is a draft directory structure for the “new” It is based on the five most-requested elements: Introduction to Linux; News; Software Listings; Documentation and Tutorials; and Community. These were chosen after reading about 300 emails from members of three good-sized LUGs who responded to the basic question, “What information should (and should not) be on” We’re publishing this here so that you can add comments and suggestions. The subcategories are far from firm; they can and will evolve based on reader input as the site grows.


Home Page
|-Introduction to Linux
|  | 
|  |-Linux is an operating system
|  |  |-Compare to other OSes
|  |  |-History
|     |-Licensing 
|  |  |-Screenshots
|  |  
|  |-Where to get Linux
|  |  |-links to distro home pages
|  |  |-downloads and other sources
|  |  
|  |-Where to get Linux help
|  |  |-online; IRC and forums
|  |  |-books and magazines
|  |  |-in person -- LUGs*
|  |
|  |-Linux migration guide
|     |-Equivalent software
|     |-Linux command summary**
|     |-Window managers
|     |  |-KDE (with screenshots)
|     |  |-Gnome (with screenshots)
|     |  |-Others (with screenshots)
|     |-Migration "HOWTOs"       
|     |  |-home/small office 
|        |-Enterprise level    
|  |-Our reporting (NewsForge)
|  |-Published elsewhere (NewsVac)
|  |-Hardware/Software reviews
|  |  |-Home/small office
|  |  |-Enterprise level
|  |-Corporate/PR/announcements
|  | listings
|  |-other sources (freshmeat, etc.)
|  |-reviews (ours and others')
|  |-indexed by topic
|  |-indexed by user skill level
|  |-rated by site users
|-Linux/Open Source Community
|  |-User Groups
|  |-Events
|  |-Business/Consultant listings

*Suggested by Jeff Covey of freshmeat

**Chart format summary of basic Linux commands, i.e. saving or moving files, to help people perform basic, everyday tasks in Linux right away; something they can print out and keep next to their keyboards while they learn their new OS, perhaps with cross-reference to Windows and Mac equivalents. Suggested by Bill Preece of Suncoast LUG in Tampa Bay, Florida.


  • Linux