New Strain of Linux Malware Could Get Serious


A new strain of malware targeting Linux systems, dubbed “Linux/Shishiga,” could morph into a dangerous security threat.

Eset on Tuesday disclosed the threat, which represents a new Lua family unrelated to previously seen LuaBot malware.

Linux/Shishiga uses four different protocols — SSH, Telnet, HTTP and BitTorrent — and Lua scripts for modularity, wrote Detection Engineer Michal Malik and the Eset research team in an online post. 

Linux/Shishiga targets GNU/Linux systems using a common infection vector based on brute-forcing weak credentials on a built-in password list. The malware uses the list to try a variety of different passwords in an effort to gain access. This is a similar approach used by Linux/Moose, with the added capability of brute-forcing SSH credentials.

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