News Recap for MeeGo Handset Day 1


One week ago today, we announced Day 1 for the MeeGo Handset project where we made the handset baseline source code available to the development community. I’m happy to say that this generated quite a bit of attention for the MeeGo project. During the week of the announcement, there were 64 original articles and more than 4000 postings about MeeGo Handset Day 1.

YouTube Video – Meego Handset Project Day 1:

    This had over 172,000 views and 150 comments as of today, and it was embedded in the and in other articles.

Wall Street Journal – Nokia’s Vanjoki Pins High Hopes on MeeGo:

    “The planned MeeGo operating system will be a key asset as Nokia Corp. strives to boost its position in the premium mobile device market, new mobile-solutions chief Anssi Vanjoki said in an interview Thursday.”

InfoWorld – MeeGo mobile effort offers baseline code:

    “Today, the MeeGo project marks Day 1 for the MeeGo Handset User Experience project. Beginning today, handset-specific source code currently under development toward the MeeGo v1.1 for Handsets release (expected Q4 2010) will be opened to the developer community to access, contribute to and participate in,” said Nokia representative Karen Lachtanski. “This move illustrates continued MeeGo momentum and marks the first MeeGo code supporting a touch environment.” – MeeGo releases more source code:

    “The MeeGo platform took another step forward this week with the handset baseline source code for the Linux based OS released to the developer community. … The preview looks similar to interfaces which are already on the market and this is not a bad thing, explained Tony Cripps, principal analyst at Ovum.”

Phoronix – An Early Release Of MeeGo 1.1 Handset Project:

    “MeeGo Handset Project is based upon the same MeeGo Core OS found within the netbook spins, but with a user-experience catered towards the smaller screens and mobile phones. Not only are the developer preview releases available, but the handset source code is also now available in Git. Last but not least, today MeeGo has also introduced the MeeGo Build Infrastructure, which is based upon the openSUSE Build Service.”

These are just a few highlights from the many reviews and articles posted in the week after the announcement. Feel free to drop links to other news coverage highlights in the comments below.

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