NukeNews opens its doors


Author: JT Smith

An anonymous reader tells us that NukeNews ( opened today.
NukeNews is a news site focused on news about Linux, open source, free
software, science, technology and many more.
The news web site in completely interactive, this means that visitors
can participate on discussion, reviews, comments, surveys, forums, etc.
creating a good space to share ideas and thoughts about this wonderful
Linux world.

We focus specialy on how good is Linux operating system, not because
other operating systems are bad but because Linux is really good, we
also encourage new developers to take this way beceause we think that
the free software and the open source is the future, and it’s happening
right now.

Linux isn’t more a phenomenum, it’s a reality and it is changing the
world of Information Technologies as we know it.
NukeNews visitors will have the power and the freedom to write their
opinions and let the world know about it. We don’t believe in censorship,
we believe in freedom, we believe that the Internet changed a lot of
things, but we can expect much more changes in the future. And because
that changes we created NukeNews for all your information needs.

We manage a lot of services like Articles, Reviews, User’s comments,
surveys, discussion forums, Private Messages, and a lot more.

NukeNews was created by Francisco Burzi (aka Nukelite), well know in
the community for his Web Portal System called PHP-Nuke, distributed
under GNU/GPL license and with a very big group of users and fans
around the world, in fact more than 300 web sites, and growing, are
powered by PHP-Nuke system.

NukeNews is powered by PHP-Nuke software also and is the answer on the
net for the lack of community friendly content. Sometimes some people
named Linux community as “guerrilla”, but the reality is far from that
concept, we are a community like no other, we are users of the best
operating system of the world, and we need to assume our rol, our
possition on the IT.

So, let’s change the world a little bit with our service and our ideas.

Francisco Burzi
NukeNews Founder (
PHP-Nuke Developer (