ObjectWeb Launches Awards for best Open Source

Xavier MOGHRABI writes “The OWCon05 Best Use Cases Contest is a challenge that allows any professional to file one or several submissions about real world use cases of ObjectWeb middleware components and platforms. All submissions will be evaluated and those nominated will run in the contest for an Award in one of the following categories:

* Enterprise Java: production use of ObjectWeb enterprise Java components and platforms
* ISV & Integration: commercial offering or development embedding some ObjectWeb components
* Jury’s Special Prize: any use of ObjectWeb components and platforms

In addition, ObjectWeb and Eclipse will make a joint award to a case involving open-source software from both communities:
* ObjectWeb and Eclipse: use of ObjectWeb and Eclipse projects in synergy

Qualified use cases will be granted free passes to ObjectWebCon ’05, the coming annual ObjectWeb conference on open-source middleware.

Use case submission form: http://www.objectweb.org/OWCON05Contest.php

The announcement of Award winners will be done during the closing ceremony of ObjectWebCon ’05, on January 19, 2004 in Lyon, France.

Information about ObjectWebCon ’05: http://www.objectweb.org/ObjectWebCon05


  • Open Source