Open CASCADE version 4.0 features major improvements


Author: JT Smith

Barbara Alvarado writes: “The new Open CASCADE Certified Version 4.0 has been thoroughly tested and documented and is now available for free downloading from the Web site. This stable version incorporates many enhancements from both Open CASCADE developers and outside contributors, including corrections stemming from customer projects. Open CASCADE Version 4.0 runs under Windows 2000 and Linux Intel 2.4, as well as under Windows NT/9x, SGI IRIX 6.4 and Sun Solaris 2.6.

The latest version of these open-source 3D modeling components includes advanced data exchange capabilities, improved modeling algorithms and a development environment that can be used for working with applications that are non-Open CASCADE dependent.

The new version is simpler to install since code, binaries, samples and documentation can be downloaded either separately, as needed, or all at once. In addition, the software components can easily be compiled on a wide variety of platforms using standard open-source utilities (Automake, Autoconf). With these utilities, a new user will be able to configure and compile the entire Open CASCADE package in two steps, thereby opening the door to a greater number of potential contributors.”