Open Toolkit for Making Java Swing Database-Aware

Brian E. Pangburn writes “New Roads, LA – December 19, 2003 – We are pleased to announce the 0.6.0-beta release of SwingSet, an open source Java toolkit that allows the standard Java Swing components to be made database-aware. The latest release includes utilities for developing data grids, so that datasheet/spreadsheet/table views of database queries can be added to Java graphical user interfaces (GUI’s). Version 0.6.0 also adds “masked” editing of text to provide greater control over user input.

The SwingSet feature-set now includes:

  1. database binding for textboxes, comboboxes, and checkboxes
  2. masked editing of textboxes
  3. binding of a “hidden”numeric column for comboboxes with text choices (e.g. 0, 1, & 2 are stored for “Yes,” “No,” & “Maybe,” respectively)
  4. population of comboboxes based o­n columns in a database query (can also be used for combobox-based record navigation)
  5. a record navigator (allows for database traversal, insertion, deletion, commit, and rollback)
  6. a data grid component for creating datasheet/spreadsheet/table views of queries
    1. allows custom column headings
    2. allows hiding of specified columns
    3. allows disabling of specified columns
    4. allows columns to be displayed as textboxes or comboboxes
    5. allows addition and deletion of records
    6. allows deletion of multiple, non-consecutive records
    7. allows data entry “masks” to be applied to text columns

While there are several commercially available solutions that perform similar tasks, SwingSet is the first known open source solution.

More information o­n SwingSet is available from:



  • Java