openSUSE Conference 2012 – Invitation to Lightning Talks and Speedy Geeko


The openSUSE Conference in Prague is about to happen and we know that all of you are really excited about it. One more year with great talks and workshops and the warmth of the openSUSE Community around. Being there is really awesome and being a part of it is really great. Since having fun has no limits for us we feel the need to ask you the following:

Kostas Speedy Geeko

  • Did you wanted to submit a talk and you were late?
  • Do you feel like talking about something that has to do with openSUSE?
  • Do you feel like talking about something that has nothing to do with the openSUSE?
  • Do you feel the need to have an on-stage group-hug with Izabel and Kostas?
  • Can you do all that in 2 to max 5 minutes?

If yes is the answer to at least the last and one other of those questions, here is your chance to make it happen.

This year, on oSC we bring one more time the openSUSE lightning talks and the Speedy Geeko and we encourage everyone to come and be a part of it.

Read more at openSUSE News