OpenZaurus release

Marcin Juszkiewicz writes “The OpenZaurus Project is proud to present a new release of its free Linux software environment for Sharp’s Linux-based Zaurus PDAs.

OpenZaurus supports clamshell Zaurus models (such as C700/750/760/860, SL-C1000/3000/3100/3200), and includes about 13,000 packages ready to install. The non-clamshell models (like SL-5000/5500/5600/6000) can use the software feeds from to update their base system.

The OpenZaurus project maintains an alternative, more developer-friendly Linux stack for Sharp Zaurus PDAs. Two GUI enviroments are provided:

– Open Palmtop Integrated Environment (OPIE), which originated as a fork of Trolltech’s Qtopia.

– GPE Palmtop Environment (GPE), a suite of lightweight PIMS (personal information management) applications for Linux-based PDAs.

Currently OpenZaurus is the only distribution for Zaurus palmtops with 2.6 kernel. Our team works on integrating all Zaurus related patches into mainline.

The project’s nearly 3,000 source packages were used to build about 13,000 Zaurus packages.
While few applications are included in the basic OpenZaurus distribution, users can assemble custom systems from a wealth of available, reusable open source software.

Additional release highlights of the OpenZaurus release include:

* Opie 1.2.1
* GPE 2.7
* WPA support
* Linux kernel 2.6.16
* Keymap corrections for all machines
* Fixed keyboard repeat
* Lots of Bluetooth base system improvements
* drivers for USB WiFi dongles

The release supports the following Sharp Zaurus models:

* c7x0 (C700, C750, C760, C860, SL-7500)
* akita (SL-C1000)
* spitz (SL-C3000, SL-C3100, SL-C3200)

Release work would not be possible without the OpenEmbedded buildsystem which took most of the work from our shoulders.

Additional details about OpenZaurus, including important release notes, installation instructions, and downloads, can be found at the OpenZaurus website.”
