Panther Server: ‘Open source made easy’

When Apple Computer Inc. ships Panther Server on Friday, IT professionals can expect to see over 150 new features and enhancements made to the server
software — and those are not the same new features found in the client edition of Panther. The overwhelming theme to this major operating system
update is integration using open source and open standards.

“We are talking about this operating system as ‘open source made easy,’ Apple’s director of Server Software, Tom Goguen, told MacCentral. “We’ve done
a lot of work in the past year and a good amount of time was spent doing some innovative things with open source technologies.”

One of the biggest changes users will see is with the mail server technology. The mail server included with Panther Server is actually made up of six
separate open source projects: Postfix, a mail transport agent; CIRRUS, a project out of Carnegie Melon for Pop and IMAP support; OPEN SSL for secure
transport from the client to the server and server to client; Mailman, to support mailing lists; Squirrel mail, a webmail solution; and Berkeley DB
for indexing of mail messages on the server.
