Pivotal Boosts Cloud Foundry PaaS with Help from Pivotal OpenStack


 Piston Cloud, focused on the OpenStack cloud computing platform, has announced that it will donate hardware and developer resources to the Cloud Foundry community, as the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) company joins itself more closely with VMware-spinoff Pivotal. Also, Joshua McKenty, CTO and co-founder of Piston, will join the Cloud Foundry Advisory Board. This partnership between Piston Cloud and Pivotal could have a big impact on the IaaS, PaaS and OpenStack cloud scene.

According to the announcement:

“Pivotal selected Piston to provide the initial community OpenStack infrastructure because of their ability to rapidly deploy a complete cloud environment, dynamically scale it to meet the needs of the community as it grows, and Piston’s demonstrated commitment to the open source development project and the Cloud Foundry ecosystem.”


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