Pluto Meeting 2000 is Dec. 9 to 11 in Italy


Author: JT Smith

The Pluto Meeting 2000 will be held in
the Italian town of Terni Dec. 9 to 11.
Pluto Meeting 2000 is an event devoted to the distribution of Linux and
Free Software.
This event will include talks and courses on the use of Free Software
both the enterprise and single-user contexts. A series of meetings will
be held on topis chosen by the partecipants and companies will be
meeting users in the exibitor’s area.

We are currently seeking experts willing to hold talks of half an hour
to one hour in length during one of the days of Pluto Meeting 2000.

Those interested in submitting a proposal for a talk can write to the
secratary of the conference at Please
a detailed abstract.

Your abstract should include:

  • Your name and e-mail;
  • A brief description of your past involvement in Free Software;
  • A concise summary (one page maximum) of the talk you are willing
    to give.

    Abstracts will be reviewed by the organizing committe of the meeting and
    authors will receive feedback on their proposals ASAP.