Pocketlinux: From Slack Blah to (KDE Light) Bling

Anonymous Reader writes “During my daily night cap on DistroWatch I came across an interesting new Linux distribution called Pocketlinux. A quick scan through the release announcement said ‘pocketlinux is a new Slackware-based distribution created by former developers of the Bonzai Linux distribution. Its main features are a simplified Slackware installer…’ Whoa… okay I’ve read enough… where’s the download link?

You have to understand that I install a lot of distros. I’ve installed/Live CD booted a few Slackware based distros before like slax, Mutagenix and GoblinX which were all pretty descent (especially slax – nice job boys). When it comes to installing Slackware (here comes the hate mail), I run the other way.”

Link: distroreviews.com


  • Linux