Powerful multi-OS firewall with Linux support

Anonymous Reader writes “F/X Communications in Denmark has recently made available a Linux Release Candidate of their multi-platform “Deep Packet Inspection” Firewall.

The InJoy Firewall 3.0 delivers cutting-edge Firewall and IPSec VPN technology for Enterprise Servers and SOHO Networks — and apparantly, as the ONLY software-based firewall in the world, it delivers the exact same feature-set for Linux, Windows 2000/2003/XP, OS/2 Warp and eComStation!

InJoy Firewall is not built on top of any other Linux firewalls and it does not make use of Netfilter/iptables. It is supposively designed from the ground up to deliver stand-alone operation – using its own codebase and low-level network driver (on each platform).

The platform neutral IPSec VPN support security should ease deployment and
lower costs in many businesses.

So far, the Linux support is limited to Red Hat Linux, version 7.2, 7.3, 8.0, and 9.0. Support for SuSE, Debian and even FreeBSD is supposively pending.”

Link: fx.dk/firewall


  • Linux