PZFileReader 3.0.0 is released

Benoit Xhenseval writes “Benoit Xhenseval writes “Paul Zepernick and ObjectLab are pleased to announce release 3.0.0 of PZFileReader for Java 1.4+.

Open Source flat file parser (CSV, Fixed Length, Custom) using XML to configure formats.


This is a major release with re-designed interfaces and performance gains of, in some cases, SEVERAL order of magnitude. Unfortunately, this release
is not backward compatible.

PZFileReader is released under the business friendly Apache License v2.0.

The library is small, lightweight and does not force you to adopt a framework.

The implementation is useful to any business that deal with flat files.
Not only it can parse very quickly some CSV or any-user defined delimiter, this library can parse FIXED LENGTH files.

The library allow you to define an XML mapping (or in a database) of the format of your file. Once this is done, the parsed data can be accessed via a simple name lookup or streaming mechanism.

It is our aim to publish at some point some well know file formats for your immediate use. Please contribute if you have some standard files…

It is available for download via SourceForge or the Maven Central Repository (both Maven 1 and Maven 2). The homepage has some very quick examples.

ObjectLab is not new to the open-source community having used numerous OS projects, It has recently launched the ObjectLab Kit family, including:
– QALab (http://qalab.sourceforge.net/ a tool that keeps track over-time of the static analysis results from FindBugs, Checkstyle, PMD, Cobertura etc.
– DateCalculators (http://objectlabkit.sourceforge.net/ a set of generic lightweight and thread-safe Date calculators for Business and Finance.
– JTreeMap, (http://jtreemap.sourceforge.net/ probably the only Java Open Source implementation of treemap/heatmaps, available as a Swing or SWT component.
– StatSVN, (http://www.statsvn.org/ statistics for your Subversion repo.

We would like to thanks our friends and colleagues for their help, reviews and suggestions.

Sorry for the long email…

Feel free to pass on to people who may be interested.


Paul Zepernick and The ObjectLab Team (Benoit Xhenseval, Marcin Jekot)”

Link: pzfilereader.sourceforge.net