Rally to free Dmitry in NYC Monday


Author: JT Smith

Noon Monday 8 October 2001 at 41st Street and Fifth Avenue, before the
New York Public Library, on the Island of Manhattan, there will be a rally
to free Dmitry Sklyarov.

Note that this is not an LXNY event, but rather the twelfth of a series of
rallies, whose Lead Organizer and First Contact is Leonid Gorkin
at lgorkin@excite.com or lgorkin1@nyc.rr.com.

Do not bring any sticks to this rally.

There is a New York City regulation forbidding sticks at gatherings.

The New York City police officers who told us of this regulation were
parfit gentle in their courtesy.

There have been and will be rallies in about twenty cities.


Much of the organizing of New York City Rallies to Free Dmitry take place
on the fairuse mailing list of NYFairUse, which list may be joined at http://www.nyfairuse.org.