A round-up of all things Steam right now! [GOL]


Time to do a round-up of all the latest on the Steam front for all of you, especially those not including themselves unofficially in the beta.

Steam Client
Firstly Steam itself got updates:

  • added libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri dependencies to the Steam package
  • fixed the minidump generator to upload properly versioned minidumps
  • initial bootstrap now generates minidumps
  • fixed window titles for the Gnome desktop
  • fixed overruns when drawing multi-line text
  • fixed crash that occured when downloading TF2
  • bootstrapper now continues execution even if UI can’t be displayed
  • fixed numpad key symbol occurences when in Num Lock mode
  • fixed a common joystick crash

There are still of course a number of issues still present like when visiting Discussions using the Steam Linux client it gets laggy because of the hover over text (where it shows you a snippet of the post within).
You cannot close it to any kind of tray icon, closing just minimizes the application….Read more at Gaming on Linux