Round Face Samsung Tizen Smart Watch Could Be Heading to MWC 2015? Codename Orbis SM-R720


  Samsung has been spoiling us with their Tizen based Smart watches of late, and all of them have been sporting a square face, well that is upto now, as Sammobile reports that there is a Round face Tizen based Smart watch in the works. The upcoming Smart watch has the codename ‘Orbis’ and a model number SM-R720. Orbis does sound a bit orbital / round to me.    

We have previously covered Samsung patents of a ring User Interface that could suit many with a rotary input mechanism. The rumoured unveil date is for Mobile World Congress 2015 which kicks off on 2 March, so we haven’t got long to go at all. Hopefully we will see a Mobile World Congress with a Tizen TV, Tizen Smartphone and now a Tizen Smartwatch unviel, and of course Tizen Cameras, alongside Tizen partners exhibiting their products …. oh I’m feeling all tingly now !!!!

Read more at Tizen Experts