RSSOwl 1.2 released

Benjamin Pasero writes “The RSSOwl development team is happy to announce the next big step in RSSOwl’s development. After four months of work, version
1.2 is now available for download.

Most of the work on this version was most likely going into the new ToolBar concept. It is now possible to customize the Toolbar.
The new “Customize Toolbar” Dialog was added to the “View” menu and the context-menu and allows to define what Toolitems to display
and in which order (Drag and Drop for controlling the order is supported). In addition you may control the number of Separators between
ToolItems and wether to display “Icons and Text”, “Icons” or just “Text”.
A lot of new items where added to the Toolbar including “Close”, “Close Others”, “Close All”, “Rate News”, “Mail NewsTip” and
“Previous/Next Tab”.
The most interesting new item is probablly “History”, showing the last 25 visited feeds, including aggregations, as dropdown. The
number of unread News is appended to the items and selecting an item will show it in the tabfolder.

The huge of list of samples was updated with new feeds and new categories. If you rather like to add feeds by using feed-search
and feed-discovery, check out some new features in there. Feeds already present in your list of favorites will no longer show as
checked in the result-table, thereby avoiding duplicates.

Finding preferences settings has never been easier. The new quick-filter box inside the dialog allows to find related settings
while typing. The preferences-tree will automatically remove pages, which do not match the entered word.

Ever got bored searching the Feed that is currently displayed in the tabfolder in your list of favorites? The new toggle-button
“Link with displayed Feed” was added to the favorites-tree toolbar. Enable the button and RSSOwl will always select the element
inside the favorites-tree that is currently displayed in the tabfolder.

Big improvements for the HTML-Export of feeds. A new look makes it easier to overview and read all news. The generated HTML is
fully XHTML Transitional valid and makes use of CSS. Thereby the font you chose in RSSOwl to display newstext will be used for
the generated HTML as well.
This feature is now also supported on Mac, where it had to be disabled before.

RSSOwl 1.2 now comes with the concept of search-scopes. These can be defined when performing a search. Chose between scopes like
“Entire News” (default), “Headline”, “Publish Date”, “Enclosure” and others. When running the search, it will be limited to the
selected scope.
This feature allows some interesting searches, like showing all News that contain mp3 attachments or all News that where published
in the last week.

Good news for fans of the famous Atom format. Added support for the recently published Atom 1.0. Older Atom versions are still

Most of the used libraries where updated to recent versions, including latest version of SWT (3.2 Milestone 3).

Countless bug where fixed and a Linux 64Bit version of RSSOwl is now made available for download as well.

Finally, Serbian has been added as 28th language, thanks to Aleksandar.

For a complete list of changes, please have a look into the Changelog at


May the Owl be with you!
