RSSOwl – Java/SWT Newsreader 0.9b released

Benjamin Pasero writes “With this new release, RSSOwl has made a big step towards the stable version 1.0.
A huge number of bugs has been fixed and very interesting and usefull features
have made it in.

The updated SWT version now allows to use Mozilla 1.7 as internal browser. Some
other browser related bugs were fixed in that SWT version too.

The layout of generated PDF/RTF/HTML documents has been improved, such as PDF documents
now show an outline with titles of all news as chapters. Not only the newstext but also
publish date, author and the newsfeed site is now exported to the document too.

The “Goto Next Unread News” and “Goto Next News” action will now automatically select
the next opened Tab containing a newsfeed if the last news of the current feed was

Several interface improvements were implemented. For freeing up screen real estate
the blue title bars for “Newsheader” and “Newstext” were removed. When using the
internal browser in a Tab, the tab maximizes itself above the “News” panel, since
that panel is empty. That finally allows to use RSSOwl as alternative to a browser.
When using the new feature to hide the favorites tree, the browser spans over the
entire application size.

A new dialog to discover newsfeeds on a website was implemented. Simply type the
website into the dialog, run the search and import the results into a category.

And last but not least, another usefull feature is the new preferences option
“News Sorting” to set how RSSOwl should sort news. Decide between attributes
like “Publish Date” or “Status”, or set that news should not be sorted automatically.

Download: RSSOwl 0.9b

May the owl be with you,

Link: sourceforge.tomc