SAMS Teach Yourself Microsoft Windows Vista

James Pyles writes “According to,
Vista is here…and so are the books!
They list “a selection of what we consider to be the best (of the Vista books)”. SAMS Teach Yourself Microsoft Windows Vista All in One
isn’t on that list but neither are Windows Vista in a Nutshell
and Easy Microsoft Windows Vista, both of which
I reviewed. There’s a lot of jockeying for position among the Vista books out on the market (or those that soon will be), so let’s see how Greg Perry’s
book stacks up.

The “SAMS Teach Yourself” series is supposed to present “self-help” information on a topic that is both easy to assimilate and sufficiently
detailed to let you learn the subject well. The Introduction to the book states that it has been written for both the beginner and advanced user (the
back cover only says “beginner”). It also states “This book does not take up your time with those many advanced technical details that most
of you will never need”.
What I’m able to glean from all this is that the book is targeting the “everyday user” but that includes a lot of different
folks. Everyday users can range from Grandma who uses her PC to email the grandkids, search the web for knitting projects, and collect all her
cookie recipes in Excel (sorry about pandering to the stereotype) to the corporate level power user who needs to have constant newsfeeds, is
messaging clients and associates throughout the day and needs to run state-of-the-art financial applications.”
