Seats Are Still Available for the Open Compliance Training Class Offered in Conjunction with Collaboration Summit


Did you know that we’re hosting an onsite open compliance training course directly after the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit next month at Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco? It’s important to The Linux Foundation to provide every opportunity to the community for learning and exchanging ideas. By hosting this one-day training course in conjunction with the Summit, we hope to increase access to this important content on open compliance and to provide a classroom environment for collaboration on this topic.

“Overview of Open Source Compliance End-to-End Process” will be offered Saturday, April 9. The course focuses on how to organize and manage the compliance function so that your company can benefit from free and open source software while complying with all license obligations.  If you’ll be responsible for implementing your company’s compliance program, you’ll surely profit from this class.  Just go to to register.

And, by the way, you can register for the course even if you don’t plan to attend the Collaboration Summit.  Likewise, if you’re interested in the course, but can’t make the event in San Francisco, get in touch to find out about other course offerings.  Please respond to
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To learn more about the Collaboration Summit, check out 2011 Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit | FOSS Compliance | Linux Foundation Events.

Read more at Phil Koltun’s Feed