SimplyMEPIS 3.4-3 RC1 Screen Shot Tour

LinShots writes “ states – The latest SimplyMEPIS release candidate, version 3.4-3 rc1 is expected to fix the recent problems with parallel printer compatibility… For 3.4-3, SimplyMEPIS utilizes a 2.6.15 kernel and udev for most hardware autodetection and configuration tasks. Network setup was changed to take advantage of udev event handling. After the final release, the changes in 3.4-3 will be be available in updated MEPIS packages. The kernel was made more modular so it would be easier to issue updates to drivers, particularly for Intel. Since KDE 3.4.3 became available in the past few weeks, it was also included. Firefox 1.5 was updated to a more stable build. LinShots has taken RC1 through it’s paces in their latest distro tour.”



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