SimplyMEPIS 6.0 Screenshot Tour

Anonymous Reader writes “ reports – MEPIS has released SimplyMEPIS 6.0. This is the first public release of SimplyMEPIS to incorporate an Ubuntu foundation. Based on the Dapper LTS package pool, 6.0 is designed for stable long term use and support. Warren Woodford of MEPIS said – Converting MEPIS to the Ubuntu pool while incorporating the latest Open Source software advances has taken several months, but it’s been worth the effort. The Ubuntu team did a great job with the development of Dapper LTS. During the building of 6.0, we’ve enjoyed an unprecedented response from testers in the MEPIS community. Their bug reports and insights have been a big help. This appears to be the best version of SimplyMEPIS to date. Enjoy!

OSDir has some great shots of SimplyMEPIS in the SimplyMEPIS 6.0 Screenshot Tour.”



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