SoL: Server optimized Linux 15.00 released

Martin Willner writes: antitachyon is pleased to announce the release of Server optimized Linux –
SoL 15.00. Server optimized Linux is a free operating system and provides
a wide selection of pre-installed server packages in separate directories,
which makes version updates easier.
The system configuration is as transparent as the previous release, with
XML-boot and configuration files, without the hassle of graphical
configuration tools. SoL does not hide the advantages and virtues of
the real GNU/Linux system behind bloated and clickable configuration
utilities, which cannot provide the complete features of the
GNU/Linux system. The simplicity and authenticity makes SoL an ideal
platform for education on the GNU/Linux system.

Compared to the previous release (13.37), the server packages were
updated to the newest possible versions and more server-applications were
added, such as jakarta-tomcat, firebird, apache2 etc. As in version
13.37, apache is included with ssl-, and php with mysql-, postgresql-,
and, which is new, firebird-support. A complete list of the
installed packages is given in the sol-linux site at 00.html.

With the publication of the SoL build-scripts, including the configure
options of the packages, it is now possible to update and configure
packages with the original SoL build-options.

The installation system of SoL was improved and now provides support for
the ext3 and reiserfs journaling filesystems. It is also possible to
install from the CD without booting from it.

In addition to the SoL distribution comes a SoL-diskless system which
provides a small server operating and education system without installing
GNU/Linux on your hard drive. This system was made for quick and easy
hardware diagnosis, rescue of broken linux installations and benchmarking.
In the latest release of this system, a DVD/mpeg/mp3 player was added so that
everyone can watch DVD without installing an operating system.

About SoL:

SoL – Server optimized Linux – is a free operating system developed by
antitachyon – Manalo & Willner OEG, a young company situated in Vienna,
Austria. antitachyon is dedicated to the development, promotion, and
support of Open Source software.

SoL’s key strengths are the simplicity of XML-boot and configutation
technology, and a wide variety of pre-installed server packages
in separated directories, to provide the best server operating system

Contact information:

For further information, please visit the SoL-pages at or send an e-mail to .

antitachyon – Manalo & Willner OEG
Hugogasse 1/2, 1110 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0)1 920 2393
Fax.: +43 (0)1 920 8427


  • Linux