Source Code for Tizen 2.3 Released, Targeting Wearable and Mobile


  Today we are excited to see that the source code for Tizen 2.3 has been finally released. The last code drop for mobile was back in November 2013, so this is seen as something quite overdue by platform developers. We hope more OEMs will now stop sitting on the sidelines and join Samsung in developing Tizen based Smartphones and wearables that will further enrich the Tizen ecosystem.  

This release is targeted towards smartphones and runs on the PC emulator and an ARM-based reference device. This release allows OEMs to begin considering Tizen 2.3 for their commercial devices, and open source developers to look into Tizen to find what they can improve and contribute.   Head on over to the git repository to check out the Source Code. We will bring you more details after we have had a little dig around.

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