Support Driven Development: Listen Now So You Don’t Hear It Later


Here at Scalyr, we’re big fans of Complaint-Driven Development, which I’ll summarize as “focus engineering effort on fixing the things users actually complain about.” We especially focus on issues that generate support requests, with such success that, as CEO, I’m still able to personally handle the majority of frontline support – even as we head toward eight-digit annual revenue.

An important consideration is that support requests cost money even if they aren’t your (product’s) fault. In this post, I’ll explore five common sources of support requests relating to the first piece of Scalyr software most users touch – our log collection agent  and how we’ve sometimes had to think outside the box to address them. None of these were bugs, exactly. (We’ve had those as well, but you don’t need to read a blog post to know it’s a good idea to fix bugs.)

Read more at Scalyr blog