SysAdmin to SysAdmin: Awk is your friend


Author: Brian Jones

The nice thing about humans is that they’re at least somewhat predictable.
Given the choice between having data randomly strewn about, and having it in
some predictable pattern, humans will generally choose predictable patterns
(Microsoft filesystem management issues notwithstanding). These patterns are
what make awk, a pattern-matching programming language, a wonderful tool for systems administrators, database
administrators, and even command-line junkies who use their box mainly for
pleasure. The notion of being able to write a one-line command to do almost anything
draws ever closer with awk in your tool belt.For most things administrators use awk for, it’s an extremely simple language.
As you get into writing more advanced awk scripts, at some point it becomes a
bit cumbersome, and you realize that Perl is also your friend. But for now,
let’s focus on how awk can get you the most bang for your keyboard strokes,
shall we?

The first thing you should know is that awk is actually a rather powerful
language. Entire books have been written about its use. If you’re so inclined,
you can write extremely complex 1000-line scripts using awk. However, as a
systems administrator (the intended audience for this article), 99% of your use
of awk will consist of relatively short scripts, and one-off one-liners typed
right on the command line. Here’s an example of a common use of awk:

[jonesy@newhotness jonesy]$ cat access_log | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c
| sort -rn

The above one-liner uses awk to slim down the amount of data coming from the
web server’s access log. The access log is space-delimited, and I only want to
see the first field (hence “print $1”). Once I have that data, I want to sort
it, then I have “uniq -c” provide a count of each occurrence for each unique
value, and then I produce a reverse sort based on the numeric count provided by
“uniq”. The result has the number of hits in the left column, and the host in
the right column, and the most frequent visitors are at the top of the list.
Give it a shot! Even if you’re hosted by an ISP, you should be able to access
this log.

Awk is perfect for ripping data into smaller chunks, to make it more bite-size
for other applications or manipulation. To use it on the command line on files
that are not space-delimited, you can use the “-F” flag, and indicate a
delimiter. This is useful for tearing apart /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files.
For example:

[jonesy@tux jonesy]$ cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $5}' | awk
-F, '{print NF}'

I actually used something kinda similar to that during a NIS to LDAP migration
to see if the gecos field ($5 in /etc/passwd) had consistent enough data to be
useful. One of the tests is to see how consistent the number of datapoints held
in the gecos field is from record to record. To figure out the number of fields
in each record’s gecos field, I tell awk to use “:” as the delimiter, and,
based on that, print the fifth field. I then pipe that to another awk
one-liner, which uses an awk built-in variable, “NF” and a different delimiter
(gecos is generally comma-delimited, if it’s even used for useful data).

Awk in Scripts

When one-liners just aren’t enough for you, you can store a whole bunch of awk
one-liners in a file, and call awk with “-f script” to tell it which
file to read its commands from. Additionally, since awk needs to act on some
data, you should also tag on something to take care of feeding awk the data it
so desperately needs. For example, if I have a script called “getuname”, which
looks like this:

BEGIN { FS=":" }
{print $1}

I can now call that script, feeding it anything that I know ahead of time
has the user name as the first field in a given record. So I can say “awk -f
getuname before it processes any data, that it should use a
colon as its field separator. Sure, I could’ve called awk differently to get
around this, ie “awk -F: -f getuname

On the second line, I’ve just called a simple awk “action” statement, just like
on the command line, with one important exception: I didn’t use single quotes
around it. If I had, the shell would’ve tried to interpret this part of the
script and choked. I know, because it happened while I was testing this script.
Bad admin!

Built-in Goodness

Awk has some built-in functions, like most scripting languages, which make
life a bit easier. It also has some built-in variables that awk keeps track of
for you — and you get their values for free, just for asking, which is nice.
The most useful variable I’ve had the pleasure to use as an admin is the “NF”
variable, which will tell you, based on the field separator given (space by
default), how many fields are in the current record. Conversely, the most
useful function I’ve used as an awk scripter is the “split” function, which can
break a single field into another array of separate fields. First, here’s a
quick example of NF in action:

cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print NF}'

This is the lazy man’s way to get the users’ shells from the /etc/passwd file
without having to remember how many fields are in the file. But wait! This
doesn’t print the last field in the record! It prints the number of
fields in the record! Simple enough — add a “$” to the front of “NF”, and
you’ll get what you’re looking for. Pipe the output to a couple of “sort” and
“uniq” commands like we did earlier with the web log, and you’ll get a snapshot
of what the most commonly used shells are.

Now let’s have a look at the split function. Let’s say you use your gecos field
to store a bunch of datapoints, and the datapoints within the gecos field are
comma-delimited. This is not nearly so contrived as it might sound — this
happens in more than two environments I’ve done work in. Here’s what it might
look like:

jonesy:x:12000:13:Brian K. Jones,LUSER,101B,NONE:/home/jonesy:/bin/bash

Now let’s say your PHB comes along and says he’s tired of referring to me as
“jonesy” and wants to know my real name. You can use awk’s “split” function to
help you here, and the code for doing so is fairly short:

BEGIN { FS=":" }

gfields = split ( $5, gecos, ",")
chunkname = split ( gecos[1], fullname, " " )
print fullname[chunkname], fullname[1]

Let’s translate that into English, shall we? Of course, you now know what
the BEGIN statement does here — nothing new. We’ll start by looking at the
“gfields” line, where I use “split” to break up the 5th field of the record,
(the gecos field), using the comma as a delimiter, and storing all of the
resulting fields in an array called “gecos”. This can be counterintuitive, as
you may be tempted to think that the resulting array is called “gfields”.
However, the “gfields” variable actually represents the last field in the
record. You get a look at how this works in the following two lines.
“chunkname” represents the number of fields in the “fullname” array. The
“fullname” array is created by splitting the first field of the “gecos” array
(in this case, the field holding my full name), using a space as the delimiter.
On the next line, I reference “fullname[chunkname]”, which will print the last
name of the person, even if (as in my case) they have a middle name or initial.
Then I print the very first field in the fullname array, so the output
generated by this script acting on my passwd record would be “Jones Brian”.

In conclusion

Whew! That was a mouthful. Awk has so many cool little hacks and built-in
features that there has been more than one book published just on Awk.
Undoubtedly, I’ll utilize some of these features in future articles that
involve putting together syadmin solutions using various scripts as duct tape.
Until then, feel free to post some of your favorite awk one-liners here!