Taking the Linux Plunge

When Microsoft announced the end of support for Windows 98 and Millennium Edition on June 30th, there was a lot of talk of these users migrating over to Linux Desktops. According to OneStat.com, this is approximately 4% of the total PCs in the world. With Linux clocking in at only 0.4%, this means for every ten PCs, only one has Linux installed compared to these two Microsoft OS’s that are no longer supported. Take into account Windows XP and 2000, out of one hundred PCs, ninety-three will be on Microsoft Supported OS’s, four will have Microsoft Non-Supported OS’s, two running Apple OS X and only one possibly on Linux. That leaves a lot of room for market share penetration that someone really could, and probably should for these users’ sake, take advantage of.

Link: linuxforums.org


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