TLS Live: The FCC is still trying to kill the ISP industry

Jeff Gerhardt writes “Tonight Live: The FCC is still trying to kill the small ISP Industry! >> on The Linux Show!

Tuesday, April 6th, 2004 from Chicago IL

Tonight on

Kevin Hill, Arne Flones, Doc Searls, Russ Pavlicek AND Jeff Gerhardt are bringing you
a great show tonight ready to go!!!!!!

Segment One- The News. We will cover THE HOT NEWS of the
week including: TLS has a child, Unhappy web host clients make unhappy web host company,
the word is out for the RIAA and it STINKS, Microsoft’s tap dances, Novell on the path,
NASA has a great month,
a clueless pundit or two…….. and way more.

Story Links

Segment Two- A Call to Action- Can we save the Internet?

We will be joined tonight by the CEO & president of Brand X Internet, Jim Pickrell. Jim
has announced a call to action for ISPs and their customers to form a coalition that will
advance the cause of open, non-discriminatory access to broadband networks of all kinds. Many
ISPs, WISPs and ISP industry association executives have already expressed interest and their
support in joining the alliance. Jim has fought this battle on his own so far. With the very
capable representation of his counsel Harvey Reiter, they have successfully and
single-handedly challenged the FCC. Now its time to take this to the next level.

Jim has been waging a one man battle since Novebmer of 2004 against the phone and cable companies.
You can find out more about Jim original call to arms at
Recently the success of his efforts have caused a stir in the ISP industry that is motivating
the ISP associations to pull together and try to get politically organized.

We at TLs recognise the battle that is before Jim, having had the experience of trying
to get the now stalled “GeekPac” political action committee started in the Open Source
movement. It is HARD to get people politically organized around a narrow group of issues,
even when their livelyhood is at stake. It is very hard to get a non-partisan
movement started. So, some of us here at TLS have agreed to through what weight we had
behind Jim’s movement.

Also joining us will be a representative from ISPCON, the ISP trade association conference
& expo, probably their President Jon Price. TLS will be participating in ISPCON and will be
doing some lobbying with the FCC and other parties in DC.

TLS is doing a special fundraiser for these political activities. We have set up a special
account that will help pay some of the travel bills and other expenses of these activities.
None of this money will be spent on pro or anti Republican; or pro or anti Democrat
activities. If you would like to help fund these efforts please click on the donation

If you are in a band or represent an artist, please contact
us ASAP to be added to our play list.

Please join us on the show, and check our IRC Chat
( #linuxshow).

Catch the Linux show at
